I had the unique opportunity to with a friend of mine who specializes in cocktails for a month during February and March of this year, where we traded real foodie skills. I taught her the basics of Indian cooking, and she taught me all about making cocktails from scratch!

Now some of you may be scratching your heads thinking, “Real foodies and alcohol? How on earth does that go together?”
Yeah, drinking alcohol isn’t exactly on par with say, eating KALE, but it’s not something we’re doing every day right? I’m willing to bet you had sugar in this past year, too, yes? My point is that we should’t be so hard on ourselves all the time. Everything in moderation is the key. As for me? It’s my birthday! And I’m going to enjoy a drink! :)
—And if I drink too much, there is always my handy-dandy real food hangover cure, which is great for when you don’t have hangovers, too! ;)
Tonight, I’m going to have a real food White Russian. I’ve got some raw grass fed cream and homemade coffee liqueur, and it’s going to be absolutely delicious. You haven’t had a White Russian until you’ve had it this way. I’m so so so serious. It’s delicious. And it doesn’t even require a cocktail shaker!
Real Food White Russian
2-1/2 ounces high quality vodka
1/2 ounce coffee liqueur (recipe here)
3/4 ounce grass fed raw cream (or half and half)
Fill an old-fashioned glass half full with ice. Pour the ingredients over the ice in order, and drink.

Anything with chocolate, kahula, cream!
I love margaritas!
If I won this I probably would give as a gift to my daughters Godmother. She makes the most fabulous cocktails and loves infusing Vodkas. I might be tempted to keep it but no I would give it to her! :)