I want to give from a place of abundance.
I want to give because we have much. Frank and I are blessed with a roof over our heads, food, clothing, friends, family, and we have an incredible future of serving others ahead of us.
I want to give from a spirit of abundance.
I am not referring to an abundance of material possessions or an abundance of money. I’m speaking of an abundance of heartfelt joy, of gratefulness, of kindness, of forgiveness.
Now, I’m not saying that I am this person. Because I’m not. But it’s what I want to be, and what I am striving for every day.
I pray that God will give me the strength to let go of inconsequential things. Instead, I pray to learn to appreciate giving more than having.
I want to be an empty vessel through which God’s blessings can flow through. And I want Him to use me to serve others where they are at.
I want to pass it on. I want to give back to the universe.