The other day, I asked you on Facebook what you thought were the absolute WORST things to say to a pregnant lady, and here’s what you came up with!
#1 “Woah! Are you having twins?”
#2 “So when are you getting induced?”
#3 “Was it planned???”
#4 “WOW. You look awful/tired!”
#5 “You look like you could pop any minute!”
#6 “You DO know what causes that, right?”
#7 “Are you sure you aren’t due this month??”
#8 “Oh, you’re pregnant? I thought you had just gained a lot of weight.”
#9 “Wow, you look like you ate a whale!”
#10 “I’m glad I’m not you!”
#11 “You don’t need to be superwoman. Just get the drugs next time.”
#12 “Haven’t you had that baby yet?!”
#13 “You’re too young/old to be pregnant.” OR “You’re pregnant? At your age!”
#14 When they say, “Oh…I’m sorry,” when you tell them it’s a girl/boy and you already have one (or more) of the same gender.
#15 “Better get a C-section! You’re HUGE!”
#16 “Are your twins natural or did you take drugs?!”
#17 “OMG. You’re pregnant AGAIN?”
#18 “So you’re done now, right?”
#19 “Can I touch your belly??!” …as they are already touching your belly.
#20 “OMG, my friend, she had, like, the worst birth EVER…” and then proceed to tell you horror stories.
This made me laugh – I’ve heard so many of these but also a couple of fun ones that weren’t listed like “do all Icelandic women gain so much weight when they’re pregnant?” (Asked by a foreign man married to an Icelandic woman) fun! :)
I had #3 in my arms when a complete stranger came to me in the store and said: “You should only have as many children as you have hands”. hmmmm – not sending him back ;P
I’ve heard a few, and we have “only” five!
To “You know what causes this?” One may reply “Yes, but I”m not sure you do.”
To “Was it planned?” One may reply “Yes, but not by us!”
People can be so inconsiderate.